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Thank you for stopping by. ;-)

This is Cor-de-Roça's Handmade Brazilian Jewelry new blog and I'm very happy to share it with YOU. Everything you'll see here are handmade, exotic and "specially" from heart to heart .

Cor-de-Roça is the translation of a colorful, relaxed & stylish way of living life. It's the expression of freedom and the face of a strong & sweet personality.

" Wearing a necklace is "very me" ;-).

I believe that each piece we choose to wear is the reflexion of the confidence we have in ourselves and our personality. I feel so good wearing them and I know I spread this feeling... ;-)" Eveli.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Ideia de Papel - New Store

Ideia de Papel - New Store

My nice friend Luciana Silva in her brand new store "Ideia de Papel"!

It seems I can "smell" L'Occitane from here!!!

Good luck, Lu and ALL the best!! ;-)

Minha amiga Luciana Silva em sua novíssima loja de Presentes "Idéia de Papel".

Até parece que dá prá "sentir" L'Occitane daqui! ;-)

Além da grife francesa, a Idéia de Papel encanta com suas caixas para presente, álbuns,

agendas e moleskines feitos com papéis e estampas maravilhosas!

Boa sorte, Lu e MUITO sucesso!!

A Idéia de Papel fica no Shopping Paineiras - Jundiai/SP 2o. Piso.

Luciana usa colar Cor de Roça ;-)

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